Andrew Holmes The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine Society of Australia and the Society for Reproductive Biology 2014

Andrew Holmes

A/Prof Andrew Holmes, School of Molecular Bioscience and Charles Perkins Centre The University of Sydney NSW, 2006 Andrew has general interests in microbial diversity, its evolutionary origins and ecological applications. A deeper understanding of factors that influence the assembly of microbial communities is essential for both human and environmental health. Andrew’s current research encompasses both these with a particular focus on understanding the dynamics of gut microbial community composition, the mechanisms of host-microbe interaction in the gut and development of tools to enable management of the gut microbial ecosystem for health. He has particular interests in the relationship between animal nutrition and the host-microbiome interaction. He is in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Sydney where he is also Microbiome Project node leader in the Charles Perkins Centre, and Co-leader of the Food for Health theme of the Centre for Advanced Food Enginomics. He is a Senior Editor for The ISME Journal.

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